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After an exhausting escape from war and terror and the arrival in a foreign country for many refugees their journey is not finished. They face a long time of uncertainty about their stay. With my poster I want to visualize this seemingly endless time of waiting.

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The german word 'Geduld' means patience. For many refugees it can be years until they are officially tolerated (german geduldet) by the government. This long way, the whole process from being a person seeking asylum to the objective of being tolerated and allowed to do a job is shown trough the lines of dots that become smaller and smaller. With an improvement of bureaucracy this uncertain time can be shortened and immigrants can start in their new life a lot faster.

This poster won an award in the poster competition flucht.punkt by Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, Frankfurt. In the Mut zur Wut poster competition it was chosen to be under the top 100 out of 3147 submissions.